How to download sdk for android from github
Download the MoPub Android SDK; Add the MoPub SDK to your project but it is also available as a zipped source code file, or as a cloned GitHub Repository. (Github Repo), Reference Documentation, Notes Brightcove's Native SDK for Android uses the Jetpack (androidx. git clone This Maps SDK Examples app is provided by TomTom and subject to In your browser, navigate to the Mobile SDK for Android GitHub repository: Clone the repository Get hands-on with version 100.7.0 of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android by Samples for ArcGIS Android SDK are provided in a public, open source, GitHub repo. Automatically downloads the local data required for all samples which require The Google Mobile Ads SDK is offered for Android through Google Play services. SDK. You can find these open source applications at this GitHub repository:. To download and set up the sample application in Android Studio: Download the Vision samples from Github. You can either use the "Download ZIP" button on
Contribute to luciofm/Branch-Android-SDK development by creating an account on GitHub.
Write code using code completions, debugging, testing, Git management, and cloud deployments with Visual Studio. Download Community for free today.
This is the Android SDK of. Contribute to adjust/android_sdk development by creating an account on GitHub.
Estimote Proximity SDK for Android. Contribute to Estimote/Android-Proximity-SDK development by creating an account on GitHub.
Estimote SDK for Android. Contribute to jannekem/Android-SDK development by creating an account on GitHub.
DJI Mobile SDK for Android: two types of DJI Android SDK: AAR and API Library folder, you can download them from DJI Contribute to parse-community/Parse-SDK-Android development by creating an Parse SDK for Android Clone or download Contribute to getsentry/sentry-android development by creating an account on GitHub. Sentry SDK for Android Find file. Clone or download Android SDK for Salesforce. Contribute to forcedotcom/SalesforceMobileSDK-Android development by creating an account on GitHub. Clone or download Private Sharing SDK for Android. Contribute to digime/digime-sdk-android development by creating an account on GitHub. Clone or download Growthbeat SDK for Android. Contribute to growthbeat/growthbeat-android development by creating an account on GitHub. Find file. Clone or download
Firebase C++ SDK. Contribute to firebase/firebase-cpp-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub.
Ziggeo's Android Client SDK 2.0. Contribute to Ziggeo/Android-Client-SDK development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to uizaio/uiza-android-sdk-player development by creating an account on GitHub. WritePad Handwriting Recognition SDK. Contribute to phatware/WritePadSDK development by creating an account on GitHub. acs android sdk. Contribute to appcelerator/acs-android-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub. Documentation and sample code for Android. Contribute to azstack/Android-SDK-Documentation development by creating an account on GitHub. ImageShack SDK for Android. Contribute to imageshack/imageshack-android-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub. For the changelogs for 5.0.0 and later, see facebook/facebook-android-sdk/ on GitHub.